Updated Dec 21,2018 | by Cody
Sending scheduled text messages has been available on Android for a few years. As an iOS user, you may also want to send automatic text messages on iPhone. Fortunately, with the release of iOS 12, you can finally schedule a text message. By that, I mean really scheduled message, not the reminder thing.
What’s the Catch?
Your first option will be the new feature Siri Shortcuts. As the updated version of Workflow, Shortcuts app allows you to automate many things including text message. You can write up the message and pick a time to send it. When the scheduled time comes, the message will be sent without the need to confirm it again.
The second option will be using Reminder app. You can write a text an iMessage draft and create reminder to prompt you to send it.
The third option will be using a paid app called Scheduled app. This app uses a service to send the message, which means your message will be sent from a different phone number to your own.
Scheduled Text Message with Siri Shortcuts
Shortcuts will calculate the time duration between the current time and the time you pick, so Shortcuts actually delays your message sending. However, as for now, Shortcuts does not run very well in the background, so you need to keep Shortcuts running in the font in order to send the message at correct time. Hopefully, Apple will improve this in the future updates.
If this sounds okay to you, you can follow the steps below to set a scheduled message.
Step 1. Free download the Shortcuts app from AppStore if you haven’t. Get this Schedule Message shortcut by open the link in Safari or Firefox.
Step 2. Tap to run the shortcut Schedule Message.
Step 3. You will be prompted to write your message, select a contact(s), and select your message delivery time.

That’s it. The shortcut will keep running until the message is triggered. Therefore, it is recommended to run this shortcut when your phone isn't in use and is charging.
If you want to send an automatic text message via WhatsApp on iPhone , just open the shortcut and replace the action Send Message with Send Message via WhatsApp.
Use Reminders to Help You Schedule Message
If you want to schedule a message to send a few days later, then it surely not a good idea to use Shortcuts. Instead, you can use Reminders app to remind you to send the message at the right time. Undoubtedly, Reminders can't send texts, but it is the best free workaround you have on iOS for now.
To do so, just open Reminders to create a new reminder by tapping the + icon in the top-right corner. From there, you can set the Reminder task name, select Alarm and enter the time and date when you want to send the message.
You can also write the message content to the Notes area. When you are prompted with this reminder, you can easily copy this note to send the message.
If you have the Shortcuts app installed, you can also create a shortcut or get pre-made shortcuts with the recipients and message content. When you are reminded, just one tap to run this shortcut and the message will be sent.
Schedule Your Text Message with Scheduled App
The Scheduled app comes with an in-app purchase. If you don’t want to pay for the auto send fee, all you get is the reminders features as addressed above. It is not recommended to download this app unless you are willing to pay for it.
If you want to scheduled message to be sent automatically, you need to purchase the Premium or business plan subscription. Besides, 1 auto message will cost you 1 credit. You can purchase the credits from 10 Credits/$2.99 to 1000 Credits/$99.99.
That’s all the three methods to send automatic text messages on iPhone. Each one has its own features and limitations. It surely depends on your situation to choose one method. Which one do you like most? Leave your thoughts in the comments.
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