But, you cannot be able to use them simultaneously. If one phone line is on a call, then the incoming on the other phone line will go to voicemail.
The Dual SIM can be used in many ways. For example, if you have separate phone numbers for business and personal life, or you often travel abroad like that, you could make full use of and take advantages of this Dual SIM in iOS 12 on the new iPhone.
Before Using Dual SIM in iOS 12 on iPhone
If you are the fan of this new Dual SIM feature, and want to try it, check these first.
1. Only the latest iPhone XR, iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max in iOS 12 have Dual SIM feature.
2. Your iPhone must be unlocked to use 2 different carrier services. Since only your carrier can unlock your iPhone, it would better to contact your carrier to confirm it.
3. Make sure the wireless carrier supports eSIM.
The wireless carrier list:
Austria: T-Mobile, Hungary: Magyar Telekom, Canada: Bell, India: Airtel, Reliance Jio, Croatia: Hrvatski Telekom, Spain: Vodafone Spain, Czech Republic: T-Mobile, United Kingdom: EE, Germany: Telekom, Vodafone, United States: AT&T, T-Mobile USA, Verizon Wireless.
How to Use Dual SIM in iOS 12 on iPhone
Here, we mainly explain how to set up eSIM.
You can download your carrier’s app from the App Store, and purchase a cellular plan in the app. Or, there is an easier way: go to Settings > Cellular on your iPhone XR, iPhone XS or iPhone XS Max, tap “Add Cellular Plan” and scan the QR code that your carrier offered to activate.
If it’s not recognized correctly, you can enter the information of your cellular plan manually. Apple allows you to setup and store more than 1 eSIM on your iPhone (but only one can be used at a time). Let’s see how to switch eSIMs on iPhone.
Go to Settings > Cellular > Cellular Plan, choose the cellular plan you are going to use > Turn On This Line.
Other Settings of eSIMs:
1. Label your cellular plans: choose from Primary, Secondary, Personal Business, Travel and etc. You can also custom label.
2. Default Phone Line: choose between Primary as the default line, Secondary as the default line or Secondary for cellular data only.

To use dual SIMs on your iPhone:
1. Call someone on your contacts. iPhone will use the same number that you used the last time you call the contact, so there is no need to choose which number to use every time. If it’s the first time to call the contact, iPhone will use your default number.
Or specify which phone number to use: Contact > Preferred Cellular Plan > tap the number.
2. Make and receive phone calls, send and receive messages with either phone numbers.
3. Change cellular data number: Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data, and choose the phone number you want to use.
4. Manage cellular settings: Settings > Cellular > tap the phone line to set.
Bonus Tips:
iPhone XR, iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max feature Dual SIM, and finally you can use 2 phone numbers on just 1 iPhone. On the other hand, you have more contacts to manage. Try IOTransfer to manage and backup your iPhone contacts with ease.