Updated Feb 15,2017 | by Niko
In this detailed iPhone & iTunes guide, we will introduce some useful information on Apple iTunes account creation, iTunes login, setup and management to help you create, login and manage iTunes account easily.
You will be needing an Apple iTunes account when download or purchase content from iTunes Store. iTunes account, also known as Apple ID, is used for accessing all Apple services such as iMessage, iCloud, Facetime, Game Center and many others. The iTunes account (Apple ID) can be used on all your Apple devices: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or Mac.
iTunes account consists of the email address and password you use to sign in, and the contact, security detail and payment information. According to Apple policy, you have to use strong passwords with your iTunes account (Apple ID). The password must have 8 or more characters and include upper and lowercase letters, and at least one number.
Before using any Apple service, the first thing you should do is to create iTunes account, and how?
How to Create iTunes Account
1. Create iTunes account on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch
Open App Store
scroll to the bottom and tap Sign In
Create New Apple ID, and follow steps to complete forms and information.

2. Create iTunes account on computer
Install and run iTunes on computer
Sign In
Create New Apple ID

The email address you offer will be used as the ID to log into your iTunes account.
How to Login iTunes Account
Once your Apple iTunes account (Apple ID) is created successfully, now you can use the single email account and password to start iTunes login and access & enjoy a wide range of Apple services. Here's the detial of iTunes login on different Apple devices.
1. Log into iTunes account on iPhone, iPad or iPod
Go to Settings
iTunes & App Store
Sign In

2. Log into iTunes account on computer
iTunes App
Sign In

How to Log into Another iTunes Account
You are allowed to log in different iTunes accounts on your iPhone, iPad, iPod or Mac. If you want to log into another iTunes account on your devices, sign out the current Apple ID, and enter the email address and password of another iTunes account to pass the iTunes login.
How to Manage My iTunes Account
It’s quite easy and convenient to manage your iTunes account (Apple ID) on iPhone, iPad or iPod. You are able to change, update or remove your information or Apple ID payment method.
Note: you have to go to appleid.apple.com to change your Apple ID (email address) or reset iTunes password.
Go to Settings
iTunes & App Store
tap your Apple ID
View Apple ID

Related readings:
How to Download and Update iTunes
How to Fix Cannot Connect to iTunes Store
Authorize and Deauthorize Your PC/Mac on iTunes
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