Updated Mar 03,2017 | by Shannon
Are you one of those you are facing storage problems with your iPhone? Clearing and managing your data on regular basis is necessary to avoid any kind of issues related to the shortage of storage space. The first thing you need to do is consider your data storage. iPhone storage has a lot of space that will allow you to store your files effectively but if you face any kind of shortage in this regard, follow the following tips.
Get rid of apps you don’t require
The best way to manage storage is to get rid of the applications that are not in your use. There are times when we get attracted to the application and after some time those applications are not under use. This is the reason, you need to delete those applications. It will help in creating space on your phone. To delete the application that is stored on your phone, go to the home page, tap and hold the application icon. After some time the applications on the home page will go in the Edit mode. Click on the application you want to delete.
Avoid saving photos two times
When using an iPhone, there are chances that you store two same images at the same time. Moreover, there is also a chance that someone has sent you the picture or a video that is already stored on your iPhone. This double presence will capture the free space of your phone. Frequently check your gallery to manage storage of your phone effectively.
Look for the applications that are taking much space
The size of the different applications differs. Each one has the capacity to capture a specified amount of space. You need to have the information about the storage space every application is capturing. To find the applications that are taking much space, go to the setting. Click general and then click storage & iCloud usage. After that, tap the manage storage option. You need to wait for some time as the applications will require some time to appear. After that find the one that is taking large space. If that application is of no use, get rid of it as soon as possible.
Do not save messages for a longer time
Text messages are an important part of our life. Some people constantly communicate with their friends and family through text message. These messages take a lot of your data storage. Make sure you delete every unwanted text message from your phone. For that purpose, go to the settings. Click messages and then message history. Keep messages and select the time parameter. After that click on the delete button. This process will help you in deleting a lot of messages at a time freeing the space in your phone.
These were the tips you need to know for managing the data storage of your iPhone.
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How to Free Up Storage on iPhone on iPhone 4/4s/5/5s/5c/6
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