Updated Oct 17,2017 | by Niko

iOS 11 brings us many great improvements and useful features. In addition to the brand new Control Center, Files app, animated GIF supported and etc., iOS 11 Wi-Fi sharing feature allows you to share Wi-Fi password between iPhone/iPad, and join a Wi-Fi network without typing in the password one by one.
It’s quite useful. You are able to share Wi-Fi password with other trusted iOS device users nearby. Besides, once you join a Wi-Fi network, its password will be stored in your iCloud account. As the result, all of your devices will connect to the network automatically without entering password. Generally, iOS 11 Wi-Fi sharing feature helps you save time and reduce the hassle of connecting to new networks.
How to share Wi-Fi password in iOS 11? If you are iOS 11 user, and have interests in this new feature, then check the following guide and see how to share Wi-Fi password in iOS 11 on your iPhone or iPad.
How to Share Wi-Fi Password in iOS 11 on iPhone
Note: if you are going to share your Wi-Fi password, so you need to make sure you have already connected to the Wi-Fi network first. To join a network:
Go to Settings > Wi-Fi, choose a network and enter the password to join.
Before sharing Wi-Fi password with others, you have to make sure that
· both devices have already turned on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
· the devices must be unlocked
· you have to be in each other’s contacts
· move very closer together
If it’s ready, here is how to share Wi-Fi password in iOS 11 on iPhone.
Your iPhone will get a prompt “Do you want to share the WLAN password for “xxx” with xxx? Tap “Share Password”, then another device will be connected to the network automatically.

That’s it! Now you completely know how to share Wi-Fi password in iOS 11 on your iPhone as well as iPad.
More Tips for iOS 11:
How to Fix WiFi Not Working Issues on iPhone and iPad
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